Our Story: Fibre From Field to Feed

The Dengie Story

Our commitment to the nutritional care and well-being of horses will always be the main reason you can rely upon Dengie. We grow as many of our own ingredients as possible which keeps our ‘feed miles’ low and provides the best traceability possible – every bag can be traced back to the field it was grown in.

Working with Nature

Alfalfa is a member of the pea and bean family and has deep roots that enable it to access water and minerals deep in the soil. This makes it a very nutritious crop as well as being beneficial for soil structure. Alfalfa is able to take nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into amino acids in its own tissue and also puts some back into the soil. This means that no additional fertilisers are needed for the alfalfa or the crops that follow in rotation. Alfalfa is left in the ground for three years reducing the tillage of the land which research suggests is beneficial for carbon capture.

Our British grown grass from the fields of Lincolnshire is 100% natural and is free from pesticide residues. The grass is harvested between the months of May and October and dried to produce a consistent, clean source of soft, highly digestible fibre.

No GM raw materials are used in our feeds, making them suitable for use on organic holdings. Since 2013 we have changed to using UK grown rape seed oil rather than soya oil from Brazil. This allowed us to maintain our non GM status and reduce the feed miles of the oil we use.

Every one of our fibre feeds has been developed by our technical team, who select the highest-quality ingredients to meet the specific needs of your horse or pony. Extensive feeding trials ensure that every feed is safe, effective and truly tasty! Our team of nutritionists is on hand to offer sound, practical help and advice so feeding never needs to be confusing or complicated!